Editorial Status

I—The Journal of Entrepreneurial Researchers (JER) is a periodical publication. Ownership: Ponteditora.

II—Open to new worlds and paths, reinforcing its long-term mission of gathering and disseminating knowledge and bringing together scientific communities dedicated to entrepreneurial research. JER publishes exclusively in either American or British English.

III—The editorial focus of JER publishes texts dedicated to the practices and representations of the entrepreneurial research domain, in areas such as: green and blue economy, eco-entrepreneurship, green accounting, sustainable finance, digital innovation, sustainability, and social inclusion.

IVJER’s mission is to promote the study of entrepreneurship and to stimulate research and the elaboration of studies and essays worldwide.

VJER is published semianually in digital format (open access).

VIJER’s issues will have approximately 80 to 180 A4 pages.

VIIJER features a technical editorial board, open to academics, researchers, professionals, and executives from various organizations and companies related to the research of practices and representations of the entrepreneurial research domain, positioning itself as an international, global, and inclusive platform aiming to promote these practices and representations.

VIIIJER publishes and reviews original academic and scientific articles based on criteria of relevance and scientific quality.

IX—The approval of manuscripts for publication is regulated by criteria of relevance, interest, scientific quality and respect for the plurality of perspectives. JER assumes itself as independent from any political, ideological or economic power, and is guided by criteria of rigor, exemption and inclusion.

XJER publishes exclusively in either American or British English. Each article includes a title, abstract, and keywords.

XIJER edits both Regular Issues and Special Issues, entrusted to accredited researchers in their respective fields of expertise (Guidelines for Peer Reviewers), under the scrutiny and approval of the Editorial Team. All collaboration is subjected to a demanding selection and review process based on scientific arbitration in two ways, by blind or peer and open peer review.

XII—Aiming at the highest ethical standards in publishing, the JER Editorial Team inspires its Code of Ethics in the guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE); Declaration of Helsinki (WMA); International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE); Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments (ARRIVE). This code defines the responsibilities of all parties involved in the act of publishing in JER.

XIIIJER intends to promote the exchange of ideas, experiences, and projects between authors and editors, contributing to the reflection of its editorials at a global level.

XIVJER makes available Guidelines for Authors for presentation and publication of manuscripts.

XV—The Editorial Team of JER is committed to ensuring respect for the ethical principles and professional ethics of journalists, as well as for the good faith of readers, pursuant to paragraph 1 of article 17 of the Press Law.